Thursday, November 26, 2009


Después de la presentación que hice en St. Andrews hace un mes, explicando un poco mi vida y mi lado mas emprendedor, he recibido un mail resumiendo los comentarios de los estudiantes que asistieron a la presentación y he pensado en compartirlo con vosotros. Siempre es de agradecer recibir los comentarios (buenos o malos) de la gente, para poderte dar cuenta que el esfuerzo que uno esta invirtiendo en conseguir diferentes retos esta valorado, dando un empujón de moral para seguir trabajando duro y conseguir nuevas metas.

Dear Killian,

Thank you so much for coming to St Andrews and speaking to our students! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to send you a thank you. I wanted to wait until I had read the weekly critical summaries the students submitted, after attending your lecture, so I could tell you a bit about what they said.

All students were very impressed by what you have achieved. They particularly mentioned your passion and commitment to your ideas. They enjoyed hearing from a student who has done some very interesting things, as they felt they too could do something while still a student. They also mentioned your flexibility in adapting to different circumstances and challenges, particularly dropping the price of ads for Adspads, when you realised you weren't getting anyone to advertise at your initial price.

I do hope things are going well for you and look forward to seeing again soon.

Take care, B


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