Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quien siembra recoge

El otro día, recibí un e-mail de una profesora de la Universidad de St.Andrews (donde el príncipe Guillermo estudio) que me hizo mucha ilusión; lo podéis leer a continuación;

"Hi Kilian - Great to see you again last week! You are always so enthusiastic.

I've got a favour to ask. I have been asked to take over teaching our Enterprise & Creativity module for 2nd year students. We invite entrepreneurs to come along to a lecture and tell their stories. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do that? I really think you will inspire them and they would like hearing about Adspads.

The module doesn't start until October, but if you are willing to do this, it would be great to agree a date / time now.

Please let me know. Take care, B

Como bien dice el refrán” quien siembra recoge”. El esfuerzo diario, se ve recompensado tarde o temprano de alguna manera, todo es cuestión de tiempo. El problema, es ese factor tiempo que tanto nos hace sufrir; porque esperar tanto y luchar tanto por el camino….


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